
The Town of Ipswich, Massachusetts

Property Assessment Data

The following information is provided as a service to the citizens of Ipswich, Massachusetts. The information shown on this web page contains the Fiscal Year 2024 values.

If you encounter difficulty when searching by street name, try entering just the first few letters of the street instead of the whole street name and do not include street number.

The Ipswich Assessors' Office is located at Ipswich Town Hall, 25 Green St., Ipswich, MA 01938. The Assessor's telephone number is 978-356-6603. The office hours are Monday, 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM., Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and Friday 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Please visit our web-site at Ipswich Assessor's Page for further information.